Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Which type of perspective should I choose; one point or two point?

Two Point Perspective Boxes1

In this drawing the first vertical line is drawn below the horizon line which is your eye level relative to the picture plane. This viewpoint makes the object look quite small or it may suggest you are seeing it from a higher vantage point.

Two Point Perspective Boxes

Theoretical perspective (drawing boxes).

Finding the vanishing points and horizon line

Here we are working in reverse from theoretical perspective drawings such as drawing boxes. Here we start with a given scene in perspective (photo) and find the horizon line and vanishing points. This is a scene with the lines of diminution (yellow & blue) drawn along the sides of objects (which are all arranged in on 90 degree grid). These lines will focus on two points (these clusters indicate the placement of vanishing points). Connect the two vanishing points and you have a horizon line. When you draw scenes or objects from real life you often need to be able to locate the VP's and the horizon by mentally projecting lines of diminution in a similar way.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Here's a link to our SSU Virtual Design Lab.

If you have a second life avatar this will take you directly to the virtual world lab. If you don't it will take you to where you can get one free. You should have high speed internet and a computer with a fairly good video card to enter. Some computers in the Vern Riffe Labs will have SL installed. These will have a small red dot on the side of the screen housing.   touch here for a second life link